Thank you for joining us at the start of our journey!
The Volorca Protocol is currently in a testnet phase.
To begin interacting with the Volorca Protocol, you will need to have the following.
Web3 Wallet
Metamask is recommended. Others, such as the Coinbase wallet, will also work.
After installation, follow the wallet's setup instructions to get started with an account.
Note that the app currently runs on the Polygon Mumbai testnet. (Mumbai blockchain explorer)
When you (eventually) connect your wallet to the app, it should automatically prompt you to switch to the Mumbai network if you are not already on it.
Test Matic
You will need MATIC tokens on the Mumbai network to pay for gas fees.
Get some here.
(Paste your wallet address and then click on Submit
The Pre-Alpha phase is run using our self-issued test USDC
as the currency token.
Make a request here.
test USDC address: 0xaFfc274413Ec9b972BE1E63c3aA2d8189E90eeCB